Hey, I'm Sebastián Dosman

+3 years of experience. Software engineer and developer in training and continuous learning from Cali, Colombia 🇨🇴. Specialized in full-stack development of web applications.

Work Experience

  1. Software developer


    During these three months, I was in practices, getting to handle design and layout in HTML5 and CSS3 and even to touch React.js code, in addition, I spent some time supporting the company in web development issues with Shopify content management system. About company


  1. Software engineering

    Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali

    I am currently studying systems engineering in sixth semester, so far I have acquired essential knowledge of good programming practices, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data structure, architectural patterns such as MVC, MVT, front-end and back-end development, agile methodologies and others.
  2. Software development training program

    Parquesoft T.I.

    It was a bootcamp in which for a year I was in constant learning and practice, I learned the basics about web development in Html, Css, JavaScript, plus knowledge in other programming languages such as C, C++, C #, Java, PHP, Python and relational databases SQL and non-relational with MongoDB. Among the skills I acquired are soft skills such as teamwork and leadership.I graduated in the year 2021 with a certificate with ISO job competencies endorsed by EvalMAX together with Parquesoft T.I.
  3. Technical bachelor,

    SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje)

    It was two years in which I built knowledge and foundations on programming and software development, gaining experience in traditional methodologies and object-oriented programming. During these two years I was in constant practice to conclude with a productive and entrepreneurial project called That's Study, which consisted of a desktop application developed in Java with a MySQL database raised with an Apache server through XAMPP.



  • Angular
  • Tailwind
  • Spring
  • PostgreSQL
Web application for the automatic management of legal services such as guardianships, rights of petition, among others. Built together with my work group, with technologies such as Angular for the design and architecture of the front-end and Spring Boot for the architecture of the back-end and its connection with the PostgreSQL database.

Netflix Clone

  • Angular
  • Bootstrap
  • NestJS
  • Mongo
Netflix clone, a streaming platform, built with Nest.js on the back-end, Angular on the front-end and MongoDB database. It replicates the core features and functionality of the popular streaming service, allowing users to browse and watch their favorite movies and TV shows.


  • Angular
  • Bootstrap
  • Spring
  • PostgreSQL
AirlinesApp, skillfully crafted using Spring Boot for the back-end and Angular for the front-end, seamlessly integrates with a PostgreSQL database. AirlinesApp empowers you with versatile CRUD operations for planes, flights, routes, users, and more.


  • Angular
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • Mongo
My contribution was the redesign of the web application, made by colleagues from my university. This application was made with technologies such as Angular for the front-end architecture and Node.js for the back-end architecture and connection with the non-relational database MongoDB.

About me

My name is Sebastian Dosman. I started programming with Scratch in sixth grade, I was 11 years old. I'm currently 19 years old and I'm studying software engineering.

Some of my successes include are being among the three best averages of my career in the periods 2022-2 and 2023-1, receiving different scholarships and having participated in different activities carried out by the university.

As a software developer I have internships, bootcamps, projects and freelance jobs that certify my experience and knowledge. My goal is to stand out for my knowledge and my good work.

Sebastián Dosman